Friday, March 11, 2011

Charlie Sheen and Self Esteem

Quote of the Day:
"Jupiter's cock!" - Spartacus: Blood and Sand

I have never watched an episode Two and ½ Men. Up until about a week ago, my feelings towards one Charlie Sheen were always pretty indifferent. The night he was interviewed on the Today Show, my respect for the man plummeted through the floor. In my mind, he was placed almost (but not quite) on the same level as Mel Gibson... but funnier.

However, today I stumbled upon what might be the Greatest. Viral. Video. EVER.

My respect for Charlie Sheen has now skyrocketed to heights of epic proportions. True, he is still the King of the Looney Bin and the 2011 Biggest Douche Award winner, but it takes a considerably bold, downright cool dude to take a really dark and embarrassing evening that pretty much obliterated what reputation and sanity he had left and create a funny-as-hell, satirical, loving jab at himself. For this, I truly admire the man. It's not easy to crawl out from a hole as big as the one he dug for himself.

I spent most of my childhood getting picked on for being "that weird kid" that nobody liked. For example, I was the only Jewish (well there were 2 or 3 other Jewish kids, but I was the only not-rich one) first grader with BAD fashion sense, next-to-zero social tact, and I listened to Broadway musicals. I probably would have picked on me too! I was the target of ruthless bullying by ugly, smelly kids who I, by all rights, should have been opening a heaping can of whoop-ass on. I stupidly absorbed it all; I let all those little pissers get to me and make me feel bad about myself. For years. It would have been SO much easier had I done what Charlie did and just embrace what was being thrown at me.

Charlie said and did some DUMB stuff in the past few weeks and attracted a LOT of bad attention. But did that stop our tiger-blooded winner? Nay! He took that publicity and totally turned it around and laughed right along with us. And that, my friends, is the secret. If you have to cut almost all your hair off because some dick stuck gum in it and everyone at school's calling you "Frozo the Clown," just laugh and say, "Yep. I'm a silly clown, rockin' the Jew Fro. Ha ha." Had I just taken what those ugly, smelly kids dished out and accepted that I am who I am, I would have had a much sweeter social life.

In retrospect, it would have been awesome if I'd turned around and said something like, "Yeah, I'm a clown. A sadistic, homicidal clown who'll burst out of a sewage pipe and decapitate your sorry ass if you don't SHUT THE FUCK UP!" man! Now I wanna do it all over again! And I'll do it right!

....God I need help. If that's not sick and/or twisted, I don't know what is! Anyway, I'm getting carried away. The point, ladies and gentlemen, is not to roll over and take the world's abuse laying down. You can land in a pile of shit, but if you respond well, you may come out eventually smelling okay. It's important to rise above (forgive me) the "trolls."

So for this life lesson and the funniest video I've seen since the GEICO Piggy commercial, Charlie Sheen, I thank you!

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Charlie Sheen and Self Esteem

Quote of the Day:
"Jupiter's cock!" - Spartacus: Blood and Sand

I have never watched an episode Two and ½ Men. Up until about a week ago, my feelings towards one Charlie Sheen were always pretty indifferent. The night he was interviewed on the Today Show, my respect for the man plummeted through the floor. In my mind, he was placed almost (but not quite) on the same level as Mel Gibson... but funnier.

However, today I stumbled upon what might be the Greatest. Viral. Video. EVER.

My respect for Charlie Sheen has now skyrocketed to heights of epic proportions. True, he is still the King of the Looney Bin and the 2011 Biggest Douche Award winner, but it takes a considerably bold, downright cool dude to take a really dark and embarrassing evening that pretty much obliterated what reputation and sanity he had left and create a funny-as-hell, satirical, loving jab at himself. For this, I truly admire the man. It's not easy to crawl out from a hole as big as the one he dug for himself.

I spent most of my childhood getting picked on for being "that weird kid" that nobody liked. For example, I was the only Jewish (well there were 2 or 3 other Jewish kids, but I was the only not-rich one) first grader with BAD fashion sense, next-to-zero social tact, and I listened to Broadway musicals. I probably would have picked on me too! I was the target of ruthless bullying by ugly, smelly kids who I, by all rights, should have been opening a heaping can of whoop-ass on. I stupidly absorbed it all; I let all those little pissers get to me and make me feel bad about myself. For years. It would have been SO much easier had I done what Charlie did and just embrace what was being thrown at me.

Charlie said and did some DUMB stuff in the past few weeks and attracted a LOT of bad attention. But did that stop our tiger-blooded winner? Nay! He took that publicity and totally turned it around and laughed right along with us. And that, my friends, is the secret. If you have to cut almost all your hair off because some dick stuck gum in it and everyone at school's calling you "Frozo the Clown," just laugh and say, "Yep. I'm a silly clown, rockin' the Jew Fro. Ha ha." Had I just taken what those ugly, smelly kids dished out and accepted that I am who I am, I would have had a much sweeter social life.

In retrospect, it would have been awesome if I'd turned around and said something like, "Yeah, I'm a clown. A sadistic, homicidal clown who'll burst out of a sewage pipe and decapitate your sorry ass if you don't SHUT THE FUCK UP!" man! Now I wanna do it all over again! And I'll do it right!

....God I need help. If that's not sick and/or twisted, I don't know what is! Anyway, I'm getting carried away. The point, ladies and gentlemen, is not to roll over and take the world's abuse laying down. You can land in a pile of shit, but if you respond well, you may come out eventually smelling okay. It's important to rise above (forgive me) the "trolls."

So for this life lesson and the funniest video I've seen since the GEICO Piggy commercial, Charlie Sheen, I thank you!

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