"It's amazing how fast the world can go from bad to shit storm." - Columbus, Zombieland
Crappy Rainy Days - We all know how much it sucks to wake up to a cold, dreary, rainy,
motivation-draining day where even the day itself wishes it were something else for the next 24 hours. But the reason to appreciate these days (which eastern PA's been getting its fill of this month) is for the pleasure of that bright, sunny day that will eventually follow the rain. Plus, showers bring flowers!
Reggae - I've been on a Bob Marley/Matisyahu kick lately and I gotta say there is definitely something special and entrancing about reggae music. Let's have a listen to some Mr. Marley:
Bob and Matisyahu are great listens for a rainy day (see above). However, the hypnotic rhythms may eliminate all motivation you may still have, so listen cautiously!
Tampons - If you gentlemen feel squeamish about this subject (which I'm sure you do, it ain't fun for us either!), my apologies. But it's a fact of life. Women bleed 5-7 days a month.... and don't die (which obviously proves that women are superhumans and, therefore, superior to men). Just think how much suckier it was when we didn't have 'em? I feel pretty bad for all those poor ladies who made do before the feminine stuff we have today. OR Midol! Maybe I feel worse for the menfolk of old! And how about those ladies on Gilligan's Island? They brought their entire wardrobes for a 3 hour tour; I hope they brought a few boxes of Tampax with them too!
Sandwiches - Grilled cheese, peanut butter & jelly, turkey club, bananas & fluff, ice cream chipwich... infinite possibilities between two slices of bread. Who could imagine the contentment and gratification that would bring? So simple a concept, yet so much deliciousness! I'll bet either a total moron or an ineffable genius created the first sandwich. Whoever you are, Genius McDumbass, I thank you!
Coloring Books - Last time I checked, there is no cut-off age for making art with crayons. I honestly don't know what made me think of coloring books today, but a warm feeling came over me when I looked back on all those (usually Disney-themed) pages of awesomeness that used to hang from my parents' refrigerator and office cubicles. Not only does coloring bring fake joy and pride to your parents, it lets you break the rules as a child. You can make a blue duck, a rainbow-spotted dalmation, or a pink Spongebob! Absurd? Yes. Soothing-yet-exhilarating? Hell yes! I can't remember the last time I used a coloring book, but I could go for some childish rulebreaking!

Those weird people at work/school/in passing - There are two realities in life. One, Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer (except he never cries). Two, we encounter weirdos in our lives and there's nothing we can do about it. That creepy guy at work who says really inappropriate stuff and stares at you, that odd casual acquaintance who smells like a bad cooking experiment in an old folks home, that wheezing guy at the supermarket who looks like a textbook serial killer and stands right next to you in the checkout line. And why should we appreciate these nuisances to society? Because it reminds us that the rest of us are, on some scale, somewhat normal. We've got a ton of shit wrong with us, but it's nothing compared to those nutjobs!
Farmers - They feed us!
God - a.k.a. Yahweh, Buddha, Vishnu, Invisible Pink Unicorn, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jedi, First United Church of the Fonz...... We're so caught up in what we call it, we forget the important stuff. For pete's sake, how many people throughout history have killed and died in __________'s name? It's frackin' ridiculous!
Old Black & White Movies - With all the 3D and special effects and air brushing and CGI and explosions shoved into movies these days, we don't remember/know of all the AMAZING films that came before our time. How 'bout when movie making was in its infancy and this was the most impressive, dangerous special effect they had going:
When movies (particularly black & white movies, because color was a huge deal at first) didn't have all the crap thrown into them like now, they relied on the sheer acting ability and lighting and filming precision to make it worthwhile. Nowadays we seem to flock to any old piece of crap on a screen because it entertains. Though we've still got some great actors and directors out there, actors now are able to use green screens and explosions as a crutch (i.e. - Matthew McConaughey). We seem to miss out on real artful physical humor, themes of raw conflict, praise and favor of the human, average Joe, these days. Some of my personal favorites: The Apartment, Casablanca, High Noon, City Lights, and my personal favorite, Harvey
Cows - What do filet mignon, chocolate milk, a baseball glove, and a cheeseburger have in common? None of them would be possible without cows. Such pleasant, mild-mannered, functional animals cows seem to be! When's the last time you thought how useful cows are? Not lately, I'll bet. Those close to me know that I've been appreciating them for years. I love them for so many reasons; they're gentle, unique, tasty, and I enjoy a good "moo" every once and a while. So next time you're driving through cow country, give the bovines a shout out and say "thank you for all your services to humankind!"
Toilet Paper - See Best. Invention. Ever.
Scandinavia - Seriously, how often have you thought to yourself, "Hmm. I wonder how Finland's doing today...." Scandinavia's cool. They don't seem to want to bother anyone or kick any other country's ass and vice versa! If Scandinavia can live and let live, I don't see why the rest of us can't.
So make a friend in Scandinavia or watch an old movie and remember the little things that often go unnoticed. May you go forth and appreciate all the little things that make life wonderful.