Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Food in Taco Bell Commercials vs. Food in Taco Bell

Quote of the Day
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." - Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

Ok, I just watched a Taco Bell commercial, plugging the "XXL Chalupa." Let's watch:

After watching this, I call shenanigans! That commercial showed mounds of seasoned beef topped with gooey, succulent cheese whiz and other fresh toppings in a crunchy chalupa shell. But is that what Taco Bell XXL Chalupa consumers get? No! They get this pile of Mexican sadness:

Ironically, this is kind of how it looks on the way out too. For those of you who don't participate in the indulgence of simply awful Mexican fast food, be warned. You may find wonderful, filling satisfaction in such a concoction for a fleeting five minutes or so. But soon after that, be prepared for a long bout of discomfort in the "pooping" area (I quote "pooping" because after eating Taco Bell, solid poop is a thing of the past for the next two days of your life).

Here is yet another example, The Taco Bell Crunchy Taco:
Crunchy, my ass! This thing looks like it could have been sitting on a heating tray for 3 days. Taco number 1 has equal amounts of beef and lettuce packed into a sturdy, crunchy-looking shell, with a generous garnish of shredded cheese. Taco number 2..... not so much. That shell looks like it's been submerged in water and dried out again, and.... um..... where's the beef? All you can see is cheapo lettuce and melted-then-re-solidified cheese.

FAIL indeed!

Now, don't get me wrong. There are many, many restaurants that are also guilty of such false advertising, like Burger King's egg, cheese, & sausage croissant:

What you see:

....and what you get:

Or there's the Arby's roast beef sandwich. What you see:

....and what you get:

And finally, the ever popular Big Mac. What you see:

....and what you get:

But then again, no other fast food meal has matched the Big Mac's claim to be able to sit uncovered for months and appear no less fresh than the day it was purchased (I wouldn't recommend eating it then, however).

I guess my point today is that if you've got the munchies at 2 in the morning, consider having the sober person in your group to make some home-made grilled cheese sandwiches. At least you know it'll be fresh!

And now, to totally change the subject, here's a quick Family Guy clip, just for laughs:

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Food in Taco Bell Commercials vs. Food in Taco Bell

Quote of the Day
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." - Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

Ok, I just watched a Taco Bell commercial, plugging the "XXL Chalupa." Let's watch:

After watching this, I call shenanigans! That commercial showed mounds of seasoned beef topped with gooey, succulent cheese whiz and other fresh toppings in a crunchy chalupa shell. But is that what Taco Bell XXL Chalupa consumers get? No! They get this pile of Mexican sadness:

Ironically, this is kind of how it looks on the way out too. For those of you who don't participate in the indulgence of simply awful Mexican fast food, be warned. You may find wonderful, filling satisfaction in such a concoction for a fleeting five minutes or so. But soon after that, be prepared for a long bout of discomfort in the "pooping" area (I quote "pooping" because after eating Taco Bell, solid poop is a thing of the past for the next two days of your life).

Here is yet another example, The Taco Bell Crunchy Taco:
Crunchy, my ass! This thing looks like it could have been sitting on a heating tray for 3 days. Taco number 1 has equal amounts of beef and lettuce packed into a sturdy, crunchy-looking shell, with a generous garnish of shredded cheese. Taco number 2..... not so much. That shell looks like it's been submerged in water and dried out again, and.... um..... where's the beef? All you can see is cheapo lettuce and melted-then-re-solidified cheese.

FAIL indeed!

Now, don't get me wrong. There are many, many restaurants that are also guilty of such false advertising, like Burger King's egg, cheese, & sausage croissant:

What you see:

....and what you get:

Or there's the Arby's roast beef sandwich. What you see:

....and what you get:

And finally, the ever popular Big Mac. What you see:

....and what you get:

But then again, no other fast food meal has matched the Big Mac's claim to be able to sit uncovered for months and appear no less fresh than the day it was purchased (I wouldn't recommend eating it then, however).

I guess my point today is that if you've got the munchies at 2 in the morning, consider having the sober person in your group to make some home-made grilled cheese sandwiches. At least you know it'll be fresh!

And now, to totally change the subject, here's a quick Family Guy clip, just for laughs:

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